Somewhere I read that adding a few grains of dead sea salt to the very
first batch was used to get the reaction going, then later you could use
a bit of the CS to "seed" it.  I couldn' t find my dead sea salt, so I
used a few grains of KCl instead, I used KCl over table salt so I
wouldn't have any anti-caking additives or iodine.  (Seemed best at the
time!)  I drank an ounce, and my husband did too!  I thought he was under
the impressions that it was just another one of my mad scientist
experiments, but he's evidently been convinced as well about it's good
use by what I've read to him so far.  It was very metalic-y tasting, is
this due to the silver chloride formed or is all CS like that?

Next batch I'll not use the KCl.  

I'm still wanting to try to use it in my ultrasonic humidifier - Does
anyone know if this may not be good because of the silver chloride?

Life is Good!

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