----- Original Message -----
From: Debbie <lullwa...@airmail.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 10:40 AM
Subject: CS>***Re: Infrared saunas

> Hi Nina,
> I was lucky to spot your note on FIR saunas, heat. Can you tell me
> more about it? I had thought of the ozone sauna but the cost is so high.
> I also get conflicting reports on how much good ozone might do for me. I
> guess my problems are all linked to the mercury toxicity but I am not
> wanting to get the mercury out till I have some avenues in place to
> detox safely. Thanks so much, Deb



If you have mercury toxicity, regardless of what detoxification protocol you
use, you MUST get your silver/mercury amalgam fillings removed if you
haven't done so already. See a dentist who knows how to do it properly;
otherwise, if the mercury is released into the mouth instead of being
quickly removed, it can get into the bloodstream where it does a whole lot
more damage than if it had remained in the fillings.

Afterward, you can use chelation therapy with a number of different

1) intravenous chelation (it's expensive, and you need to go many times to a
doctor), often with EDTA

2) Oral EDTA. Call Drs Country Life at 20-397-4156 (Idaho). Ask them for
their formula containing EDTA and Diatomaceous Earth. It works (I've used

3) Cilantro. There's a famous pesto recipe containing cilantro that's been
floating around the internet:

a) 1 clove of garlic ½ cup of almonds, cashews, or other nuts
b) 1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves 2 tablespoons lemon juice
c) 6 tablespoons olive oil
Put the cilantro and olive oil in blender and process until the cilantro is
d) Add the rest of the ingredients and process to a lumpy paste.

(You may need to add a touch of hot water and scrape the sides of the
blender.) You can change the consistency by altering the amount of olive oil
and lemon juice, but keep the 3:1 ratio of oil to juice. (If freezes well,
so you can make several batches at once.) In light of the ever-worsening
quality of our water and soil and the widespread use of metals in every day
items like deodorant and cans, I would seriously suspect that all of us have
some toxic metals in our body. And unless they are carried out by a
chelating agent, things like lead, aluminum and mercury remain in the body
Besides associated with arthritic condition, depression, muscle pain and
weakness, memory loss and deterioration, and maybe even Alzheimer's disease.

4) DMSA (not DMSO, different substance). You can take it orally. Most people
obtain it with a doctor's prescription. Some people get it from:

Having said all this, I remember something to the effect that some metals
are more difficult to remove from the body than others. I think mercury is
one of those, but I'm not sure. Perhaps someone else on this list can help


Most of the information you hear about ozone being harmful is pure nonsense.
This is based on faulty studies that were done over a half century ago that
measured ozone COMPOUNDS (some of which contained nitrogen), rather than
PURE ozone. (Sounds familiar, doesn't it? It's the story of Colloidal Silver
all over again, except for this time, it's with ozone.) Ozone does reach a
point where it can be irritating to the lungs, but this is different from
any kind of presumed intrinsic harm. If you're breathing pure ozone and you
start to cough, simply stop inhaling it and breathe regular air instead.
Your own bodily reactions will tell you when enough is enough.

Otherwise, properly made ozone is PERFECTLY SAFE. Any form of oxygen is good
to take into the body, since 1) our planet's oxygen stores have become
seriously depleted, 2) most microbes are anerobic and do not survive in
oxygen, and 3) oxygen helps to alkalize the system. You can't lose with

There are many ways to get more oxygen into your system. vaginal and rectal
insufflation are excellent ways. So is ozonating water and drinking it.
Probably one of the best saunas on the market can be obtained from the

Plasmafire International
7186 205th Street
Langley, British Columbia
Canada V2Y 1T1
   attention: Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH
   phone: 604-532-9596

Plasmafire International has been manufacturing fine quality medical ozone
generators since 1993. Their technology is based upon the perfection of the
Nikola Tesla electrostatic cold plasma generator from the turn of the
century. The generator uses voltage, not current, to produce clean ozone
from oxygen without heat. This makes the unit impervious to burnout,
enabling the company to offer a lifetime warranty. The warranty is also
transferable to a new owner, further increasing the investment value of the
generator. Dr. Pressman is very knowledgeable about health and will be happy
to answer any questions you may have about oxygen therapies.

**PART III - Far Infrared Radiation devices**

I've already covered FIR saunas in other emails. The only thing I want to
add is that a friend of mine is going to manufacture FIR sauna cabinets next
year. He is a dear, ethical man, and along with his sons is working very
hard to produce a high quality sauna. Here is his contact information:

Saunex, Inc.
138 Maple Hill Drive
Kingston, New York 12401
   attention: Bernarr Schaeffer or Jim Schaeffer
   phone: 845-658-9200; fax: 845-658-7224

The Saunex is a unique sweat cabinet created by inventor Bernarr Schaeffer
and his two talented sons, Jim and Wayne. Mr. Schaeffer's long history of
creating health equipment began when he was Vice-President of Battle Creek
Equipment Company (which used to be affiliated with Dr. Kellogg's spa), and
includes the first truly safe chinning bar. Now in his 70s, Mr. Schaeffer is
as passionately committed to good health as ever. The Saunex is the only
portable individual sauna cabinet on the market that uses Far Infrared
heaters to supply all the heat in the cabinet by duplicating the therapeutic
FIR electromagnetic wavelengths emitted by the sun. Since FIR penetrates
more deeply into the body than heat from hot air saunas, the body sweats
under lower temperatures than conventional saunas. Metabolism is also
increased more than usual, inducing the removal of toxins from the fat cells
where they are stored. The FIR heaters are also specially designed to reduce
the amount of dangerous electromagnetic radiation to almost zero. The
state-of-the-art Saunex, with its ergonomically designed reclining seat, is
as comfortable as it is portable. It is also made of durable plastic that
has been specially treated to eliminate outgassing (the emission of plastic
molecules into the air accompanied by an odor). The customer service at this
company is terrific-the Schaeffers really care about their customers, and it

************end of mini-lecture*************

By the way, most of this information is elaborated on in much greater detail
in my upcoming book, *The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing.* You can read
the introduction on my website at http://www.heart-of-healing.com/Rife/

The book will be out in February, and I am taking orders for it now.

Nina Silver, Ph.D.

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