Greetings all silverlist members,

                Jason/AVRA wrote:

  <According to the study, the silver acetate ( NOT isolated silver! )
depletes the body of Vitamin E and Selenium.  If the body is deficient in
either ( as in the above reference ) than severe symptoms of silver
poisoining manifest, including increased silver retention in the kidneys and

            The rationale of advocating wholesome raw food is based on the
preservation of the complete complement of the enzyme systems and whole
nutrients present in the food to drive the Kreb Cycle in maintaining
metabolism. Denatured food leads to robbing Peter to
pay Paul in the body in order to complete the Kreb Cycle , resulting in
drainage and defiencies of concomitant components [ Zinc, Copper, Magnesium,
Vitamins,Amino-acids etc ]. Ill-health subsequently results. This applies to
all patho-physiological processes in the human system.

                  In radonics, I  advise colloidal  mineral supplementation
to maintain at least a minimal basal
 supportive level for those on radonic treatment. There has been reported
instances of deaths when the radonic beam was suddenly switched off. In
radonics, distance is not the criterion but the resonance of vibrational
signatures.The latter may be from homeopathics, flower essences, nutrients,
trace minerals, sounds and colours. Each element has its specific frequency
and this is its vibrational signature. These are beamed at the subject from
afar.The reported fatalities may be attributed to the sudden interruption in
the biological transmutational processes [ Professor Louis C. Kevran ] under
cold nuclear fusion [  Professor Panos Pappas ] due to low supportive
mineral reserve in the body and other geomagnetic factors. Minerals in the
form of cell-salts regulate the vitality and viability of tissue
cells,electromagnetically - The  Autonomous Nervous System , The
Cardio-Vascular System, namely . Any interference to electromagnetic
transmission in these vital systems may  lead to their dysfunction and
eventual death. These systems are regulated by the geomagnetic  rhythmicity
of 7.83 Hz conforming to Schumann's Resonance. There is still the mootable
cloud over the silver ion. What determines  the proverbial properties of
colloidal silver: in the biologically transmutated form, after absorption in
the body or in the form generated from my Robey Deluxe Mark II generator ?
The topic on Biological Transmutation by Prof  Louis C Kevran was posted in
the recent past in the Silverlist.

                 I practise Isopathy, Homeopathy, Biochemic
Therapy [ 12 tissue salts ], Orthostatic Nutrition and
Naturotherapy  in the  morning cup of mid-stream urine I partake daily with
skin scrubbing using my own urine. I recycle my mineral reserves,
phytonutrients, immuno-endocrine secretions [ Melantonin, DHEA ] from my own
cistern. Those with uro-genital tract infection, please abstain fron
urinetherapy,until such time when the infection is under control. The
psychological block to this mode of treatment is inevitable. There is a lot
of information on this
topic in cyberspace. I recycle what my body has given back to me,
transmutated but good for the next cycle,with
minimal energy expenditure under cold nuclear fusion.
Scientists have narrowed down to minerals from outer space which provide
vestigial signatures to substantiate that life on Earth may indeed
originated from outerspace. The linking evidence is found in  bacteria
containing  minerals,on earth. Why silver is bactericidal to some microbes
and not to others ? And why Argyria
manifests in some and not in others? I share Prof
Louis C Kevran 's view  in accepting mainstream Chemistry for what it is and
that there is more to it in life that does not conform to exact sciences.

With regards

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason / AVRA" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 5:22 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'

> Kevin:
> "Addition of silver acetate to the diet (130-1000 ppm) or drinking water
> (1500 ppm) of weaning rats fed a vitamin E deficient diet, precipitated a
> rapidly fatal hepatocellular necrosis and muscular dystrophy on day 14 of
> the treatment or subsequently." ( Grasso P. et al, 1967 Exp. Mol. Pathol.,
> 11,186-199 ). According to the study, the silver acetate ( NOT isolated
> silver! ) depletes the body of Vitamin E and Selenium.  If the body is
> deficient in either ( as in the above reference ) than severe symptoms of
> silver poisoining manifest, including increased silver retention in the
> kidneys and liver.
> This was taken from a "stock" manufacturer's datasheet on silver acetate:
> ********
> Inhalation:
>     Mild irritant and nuisance dust. Coughing, sneezing or possibly
> breathing difficulty upon the inhalation of large amounts.
> Ingestion:
>     Effect will be similar to but normally less severe than with silver
> nitrate. Acute poisoning can cause pain or burning sensation in mouth and
>     throat, salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, methemoglobinemia, anuria and,
> in extreme cases, shock, coma and death.
> Skin Contact:
>     Causes irritation to skin. Symptoms include redness, itching, and
> Eye Contact:
>     Possibly some chemical or mechanical irritation of the conjunctiva.
> Chronic Exposure: Prolonged or repeated inhalation, application or
> of silver compounds may cause a permanent bluish discoloration of the skin
> and mucous membranes. Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: Persons with
> heavy metals accumulation should cease contact with silver compounds.
> Label Hazard Warning:
> ********
> Now this datasheet is for pure silver acetate.  Still, silver acetate is
> silver acetate.
> Documented cases of Argyria exist for six months of regular silver acetate
> usage.  In one case, 6.4 grams was the estimated silver accumulation in
> individual from taking silver acetate lozenges.
> I don't have any information on silver citrate!
> >From: "Kevin Nolan" <>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: <>
> >Subject: CS>Re: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'
> >Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 01:03:37 +1100
> >
> >In digest #1177, Jason/AVRA wrote:
> >
> >"....When you tell someone a stabilizer is safe, you are risking their
> >health and
> >well-being on very serious level.  You are giving them the impression
> >silver is not a toxic substance in the human body.  While your own
> >understanding may be great, theirs may not.  They just might see
> >like silver acetate, a "stabilized" silver product ( though of course not
> >protein )and assume it is safe to use......"
> >
> >Jason - would you mind filling in a bit on the danger with silver
> >What about silver citrate?
> >
> >regards, Kevin Nolan
> >
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