** Jason,
Thanks so much for the usage information!! WOW ~~ I really appreciate it, and 
what's ever better, it was written in a manner that I, the pee-brain, could 
You've cleared up a lot of questions that I was pondering for a long time :o)
I am still on the hunt for the websites where I found the 10 days on, 10 off,  
and 3 weeks on/off cycles!!! Kevin has me on a mission, and I hope to complete 
it ;-)
You might find me screaming hanging from the chandelier in a day or two if I've 
had no success.


... The "on again off again" usage philosophy is taken directly from natural 
medicine practices.  The "ten days on" is a blend between modern medicine 
and natural medicine.  The idea is that ten days of usage should be adequate 
to eliminate an infection, then the ten days off allows the body to go 
through a cleaning cycle.
The "three weeks" cycle must be a derative of this.  Keep in mind that in 
natural medicine, practitioners often try to work with the following body 
The three week cycle "sounds" good on the outside.  The idea that with three 
weeks of use, most infections should be eliminated, since this is sometimes 
the first-stage prescription for standard antibiotics.  Sadly, though, it 
doesn't look that this accurate at all.  It has been my experience that many 
"common" infections that respond well to colloidal silver use are brought 
under control in about 72 hours.  Ones that don't, for whatever reason, 
respond well tend to support immune system function, making endurance of a 
condition much easier. In this case, the duration is a direct function of 
the immune system response.
The wisest cycle to use that I have found, if one is simply trying to 
improve general health, is:  3 days on, four days off, four days on, three 
days off.  This cycle is designed to ease changes that occur in digestion 
through heavy detoxification of the body in some natural medicine practices - 
but is certainly not used if one is trying to specifically beat an infection.
Even so, countless people take small maintenance doses daily with excellent 
results, and have been doing so for years, with excellent results.
I wouldn't worry too much over the variances in advice on usage.  With 
colloidal silver, we have a wide margin that allows plenty of room for 
adjustment as the need is presented.