
       Mike Fuller wrote:

   < You obviously haven't met my dog >

         I regard pets as members of the household. I have fish,crabs,
turtles, plants and of course my good  canine friend, Jimmy. I talk
to them, water them and feed them. Their  presence reminds me of the
natural world that I once lived in,not trapped like them, in the asphalt
jungle. Only till recently, I have birds flying freely in my  enclosed
premises. I have released all of them on auspicious ocassions. They
need more space than I do. I thrill at their aerial acrobatics  with their
inborn instincts and endowments. My companions from  the aquatic
world always remind me that I have  once shared their watery  environment
during my embroyonic  development. The human
system is a product of evolutionary success thus far but is regulated
by envisioning. The canine and the feline families manifest uncanny
abilities which have  great survival  values in their respective vibrational
planes but are rare ocurrences amongst humans  in our 35th - 40th Octave
world for seeing and hearing. The American eagle  not only can see its prey
from a great distance but can also smell it at the same time.
Dogs do not have sweat glands like humans do. Pores serve as acupoints which
regulate the flow of Chi, Prana or Vital Force.. The
traditional acupuncture meridial channels conduct light which feeds the
body. This phenomenon is demonstrated by the Russians. The sense
organs in the skin have shown to pick up vibrations,which through
sensory integration, can be interpretated by the brain as colours,Form
or Pattern as in Sound. Hearing is sensory dissociation  without
concentration. Listening to our body is sensory integration with
association of meaning  i.e using one's  mind's ear and eye.. The whole
human body is a finely tuned electomagnetic  sense organ in resonance,  It
is a cohesive manifestation of vibrationasl states of electromagnetism :
light, sound and geometry.  Visualization is harnessing the power of light
for morphic manifestation by the strength of Intention and Desire. This is
the Will of God for evolution from the highest evolved to the lowest
unicellular organism in the microbial world.
      Snatches of some of the teachings of my missionary teachers keep
                         " Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven"
                         " Thy Kingdom come "
                         " Give us this day our daily bread "

          Every living thing through the power of Light is a kingdom unto
itself. We need light ,which is photonic nutrient, for survival and

With regards

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Fuller" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Speculation about variables in CS production

> Hi Lew,
> While I can sympathise with most of your post about Psychic Transmutation,
> can't agree with one part:
> >  The God-empowered gift of visualization is unique in humans.
> .You obviously haven't met my dog.
> Or my God :-)
> Regards,
> Mike Fuller
> --
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