Distilled water will take much much longer than boiled water as the
initial conductivity of the distilled is much less.

At 07:16 PM 1/19/02 +1300, you wrote:
>My mother and I made our first batches of CS today. ( I had made 
>a trial batch using boiled water last week but only got my distilled 
>water yesterday - and Mum had to wait till yesterday for me to get 
>the generator that I made for her to her)
>I was very happy with mine - after about 15 mins one rod had 
>bubbles rising from it and the other had the finest wisps coming off 
>it so I timed it 5 mins from then.  I plan on drinking 40mls a day, 
>more if I feel myself "coming down with something".
>My mothers batch, even after an hour she could not see "wisps" 
>tho she had the rising bubbles and the "tarnished" rods.  Can we 
>assume that she has made CS?  Yes, she did use distilled water 
>at room temperature.  She is 65 and her eyes are not as good as 
>they once were.  Maybe there is a possibility that she just didnt 
>"see" the wisps as they were so fine.  I would be grateful for any 
>opinion here.  What indication does one get when the batteries are 
>going flat? 
>Also, what is the shelf life of CS?  I was wondering about putting 
>some in a small bottle and keeping it in my handbag for any 
>eventuality.  Does anyone else do this?  Is it adviseable?
>in New Zealand
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