Hi Cathrine,

The chemtrails have been recently mentioned is a Senate or House bill.  Most
I have heard indicates weather modification.
>From documents I have heard read but not been able to identify or acquire,
the US was merged into the UN in the 1970s.  The Secretary of State is the
administrator of the UN directives, and has the power to replace the United
States government with appointees.

The doo-doo is deep and all pervasive.

The war is first one of minds, and they have won that one.  The
highest-level rulers are more genetically modified to be less human than the
masses.  This gives them some greater powers, and lessens their "humanity".
All of this is degrees of probability, not "fact".  In my 66 years of trying
to understand who I am and what I am doing here, that theory---with some
variations in the scenario---seems at present to be the most likely.

David Icke's book The Biggest Secret contains a lot of data supporting that
thesis, as do many other less publicized.

We live in a goldfish bowl of "culture'; a virtual Disneyland where
everything that we hold to be the fundamental ground of science and history
is only vague partial truths and outright lies that conceal a very long term
conquest and occupation by non-terran entities operating both in third
dimension and in other more subtle densities.  They stopped acting as "gods"
at about the time of the decline of the great Egyptian empire and went
literally and figuratively underground.  The one's in charge are pretty
nasty.  There are some white-hat guys too, but with limited resources.  They
all have a self-serving agenda.  The Old Testament word  "Elohim",
translated commonly as "God".  Is, in the original, plural.  Their goal is
very ambitious; create enough chaos to seize control from the original
creators of this reality.

For exposition of these ideas see www.trufax.org and look for Handbook  For
The New Paradigm, et seq.  There is also much useful
medical/health/nutrition data there.  Not for the faint hearted or those who
think,  "Oh they wouldn't do that....".

Another good source for more fast-breaking info:  www.rense.com.

At the root of our enslavement is the lie that individual consciousness
winks out with the loss of the body.  How comforting that would be if it
were true.

Just follow the white rabbit...

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: Malcolm Stebbins [mailto:s...@asis.com]
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 5:43 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>online discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m.

Hi;  "glass" is where the world ends, right?  All else is illusion (thass TV
us human fish.)  I believe I have the book you mentioned, or one like it, on
shelf about 75 miles north of here.  Haven't read it all, but his argument
vaccination leads to violent behavior patterns seemed to have some good
behind it.  I didn't poke further, too many things on my plate at the time.
But in a similar vein of free-floating paranoia, what do you suppose was in
"chemtrails", and could it possibly have had something to do with the
dog response we got to 9/11;  I know we're all supposed to be dumb twits in
crowd anyway, but I was seriously amazed(not only at the speedy
orchestration of
our politco-militaristic machine) by how politally correct mindless hatred
become.  I'm still waiting - and preparing - for the other shoe to drop.

"James Osbourne, Holmes" wrote:

> Thank You.
> Assuming your research is valid, have confirmed my intuition.
> So much of what we think is our "culture" is this paid-for manipulation of
> our information and deeply held beliefs.
> How do you explain glass to a goldfish?
> Another good example is "Militia Watchdog".  Run by an alleged History PhD
> who is clever at eliciting argument about factual trivia to lead people
> from the big lie issues underlying everything.   A quite benign but
> fact-filled site that I ran for a while was listed as a potential
> site.  It was laughable, but many people probable took it seriously.
> Do you have data you can share privately regarding his connections?
> I have placed the acsh.org link into my "Disinformation" folder.  Yes,
> Virginia, vaccines are really safe....
> Have you seen Dr. Richard Moskowitz's book on childhood vaccinations?
> James-Osbourne: Holmes
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Catherine Creel [mailto:ccr...@maine.rr.com]
> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 3:15 PM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>online discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1
> ET.
> Hi James,
>   You said:
> <<A couple of years ago I tried to have a friendly dialogue with him re:
> Not possible.  I presumed thereafter a high probability that he is a  paid
> disinformation agent.  I understand that Dr. Hulda Clark et al are suing
> for all of the false statements that he has published about her.   I hope
> they nail him.>>
>    He is a serious threat to alt med.  He is involved in a number
> of lawsuits, some of which he has won, some he's lost, and some
> still pending.
>   He is backed by the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
> This private not-for-profit is a front for his work.
> www.acsh.org
>    Those who don't take him seriously have no idea the depth
> of his connections.
> Regards,
> Catherine
> --
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