Don't forget Flaxoil, sesame seed oil and coconut oil!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "John A. Stanley" <>
Newsgroups: list.silver
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Lorenzo's Oil

> In article <>,
> Marshall Dudley <> wrote:
> >Hit everyone,
> >
> >Lorenzo;s oil was on A&E the other day, and I watched it. I had never
seen it
> >before.  Boy does it show the doctors as a bunch of buffoons!
> >
> >Anyway, I found one part interesting.  The parents were wanting to use an
> >extract of rape seed oil in the formula.  The doctors said that the FDA
> >never allow that since rape seed oil is known to be poisonous.  That
> >caught my attention.  That the FDA would supposedly not allow it in a
cure for
> >a disease because of it's toxicity, but will allow it to be put on the
> >shelf labeled as canola oil for everyone to eat.
> The rapeseed extract in "Lorenzo's Oil" is erucic acid. Canola oil is
> from rapeseed developed to be very low in erucic acid which is why the
> more technical name for canola oil is "low erucic acid rapeseed oil."
> However, I still think canola oil is evil. Olive oil, nut oils, and
> butter are the lipids of choice in our household.
> --
> John A. Stanley                 
> --
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