3% to 5% CS is all I have ever used, over 20% is a total waste, I have
lots of happy people that this CS has worked for.

Ian Roe wrote:

> Well, this mesosilver sounds real good on paper and the graphs that
> can be drawn are impressive.  I understand the cost of producing it is
> higher, so the sellers say that demands a higher price - a much much
> higher price.  Their graphs show you however that you are really
> 'saving' money so the higher price shouldn't be a concern. Bottom line
> is this - does your CS work for you? If it is working - great - no
> matter what general good guidelines you followed in making it.  The CS
> that I make that is probably 70-85% ionic but it works great - is
> stable for two to three years in brown plastic bottles and it is
> inexpensive.  The process for making mesosilver is proprietary and
> 'special' and therefore cost of  production would be prohibitive.  I
> spent about $800 USD on a generator from a seller that most people
> know about here. It's worked great for about three years now.  Some
> people spend $50 and some could spend and probably have spent much
> more and they all talk about their 'stuff' as being the best.  The
> only thing I know for sure is that people that make their CS in a
> plastic up with 3 nine volt batteries and take it orally say that it
> works for them - but they find that topically they do not get the
> results they get from a CS of about 32ppm that is highly ionic.  When
> they say that consuming CS of any other type is useless, IMHO they are
> really just hyping up their own product for sale.  The real fact is
> that people have been making it several different ways and it works
> for them and they probably haven't even heard of Mesosilver until now.
>      ----- Original Message -----
>      From: mikejon...@wmconnect.com
>      To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>      Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 3:13 PM
>      Subject: CS>(no subject)
>       HI  I ordered some ADVANCED COLLOIDAL SILVER from a company
>      called UTOPIA.   In a leaflet enclosed with my order, they
>      speak about how their CS is made through the MESOPROCESS and
>      is therefore superior to others not made this way.  They
>      also claim that silver ions cannot survive in the body for
>      more than 7.8 seconds, and that most all other commercial CS
>      Solutions are  mostly from 75 to 90 per cent ionic. That
>      would make them uselss to  consume!!!
>      I am seriously thinking of buying my own generator but now I
>      am concerned that it will be fruitless.  Am I right in
>      thinking this ?
>      What truth is there to this Meso vs. non-Meso thing???
>      Are all CS solutions useless unless made with MesoProcesss?