They'll give you a reading of the ionic portion of the CS but don't tell
you anything at all about the colloidal portion which can vary widely
depending on conditions. Apparently, just using the meter changes the ion
to colloid ratio somewhat.
 The meters are not useless, but they're not an answer either.
 They're OK for an educated wild guess comparison between batches made the
same way and placing some 'sort' of meaning on the exchange of words.
 They're good to get 'some idea'.
 As a means of accurately nailing down total silver content in PPM...useless.

>> Billie wrote:
>> What can CS users tell me about testers, such as the Hanna Instrument.
>> Do these really work? I am new at this and do not want to waste my $$
>> on something that is not going to work.
>> Billie
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