Key chain types work just fine....but the batteries don't last long.
 But if you're not tormenting your cat all night and just flashing it on
the CS container now and then...that's not a problem

At 01:05 PM 3/18/02 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi Arnold,
>You wrote:
>" >  Try to get a quality laser pointer, not the key chain type.  The class
>> IIIa 5mW units are best.  They are available on ebay constantly at
>> reasonable prices."
>I would be interested to know the difference(s) between a quality laser
>and a key chain type pls other than the price.
>I understand that the key chain type uses in general a wavelength 
>of 630-680nM and its max. output power is < 5mW.
>I do use the key chain type and appears to work ok for me.
> if I remember correctly advices on this list was that,  this was ok to use.
>Comments would be appreciated.
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