Some old data indicated that 30 mg/Day pyridoxine Hcl (B6) is helpful for
some vascular problems.  Some say that when you take any "B" vitamin, it is
good practice to take some of the entire complex, to avoid creating an
out-of-balance condition.  I can't recall the mechanism.

Over the years, I have seen some people have remarkable results with the B6.

James-Osbourne: Holmes
  -----Original Message-----
  From: []
  Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 6:00 AM
  Subject: CS>Any Suggestions?

  Here's a question I've been burning  and itching to ask!
  Has anyone dealt with CS  for hemmorhoids?
  I need a creative way to treat someone
  (Namely, myself), and now, I hope not to meet any of you in
  person!!!!!   Thanks!