Dear Craig,
                    If you are contemplating the use of H202 as a gargle
(preferred) for an adjunctive protocol on experimental volunteer is suggested you consider rinsing the mouth (swishing
with clear water) immediately after an approximately 30 second mouth/throat
exposure to the H202.  Then, immediately,  repeat the entire procedure two
more effect more acceptable results.  While swallowing the
expended residue is not a health-threat, it is strongly
recommended the foam-debris be expectorated......each time.
            If the volunteer does not present an unacceptable "gag reflex",
from the increased bitterness,  the addition of 5% (by volume) DMSO to the
gargle medium has shown to  measureably improve the reduction of a variety
of anerobic fields.  The LAST   (third) gargle is the preferred one for DMSO
inclusion....if the volunteer cannot well-tolerate its general addition.
          Thrush-like insults pose pronounced challenges.....most especially
because of the mucosa-like secretions which tend to isolate the affected
tissues from, otherwise, effective control substances.
            The use of CS has demonstrated to be most effective in our
researches...AFTER....employing a protocol such as this
one.                                                            Sincerely,
Brooks Bradley.

p.s.  Do be advised this information relates to experimental medical
research and in no way is to constitute medical advice for
ANY form.

Craig Chamberlin wrote:

> Greetings list members,
> My sister has metastasized breast cancer.  The cancer isn't killing her
> but the inability to eat and drink because of the Thrush.  We can get
> the candida which underlies the Thrush, if we can just get the Thrush
> under control in her mouth so she can eat and drink.
> We have used high concentration CS (from Frank Rey, thank you for making
> this available), white oak bark and some allopathic "swish & swallow"
> which didn't do anything...but neither did the others.
> We have been advised that 3% H2O2 is effective, won't know until
> tomorrow when she comes home.
> We are treating her for thrush with a 6C EM+ machine as well, but to no
> avail.  Mostly because she keeps getting dehydrated and it seems to
> deter the Rife Effect.
> I am wondering about a 5% Hydrochloric acid solution.
> I desparately need a thrush buster that works and works fast.  She is
> small and has always been thin, so not much in reserve.
> Thanks for your help,
> Craig
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