In the UK visiting a national health doctor is now a risky affair. Weather
the visit is for treatment or just for a chat, be sure to get your solicitor
to accompany you, if its a broken leg or just a prescription you want, you'
ll be lucky to come through the experience unscathed. Mindful of these
matters I decided to try colloidal silver for the family and myself. I
banned all ingestion of prescribed antibiotics for winter induced aliments
and  treated my two children aged 10 & 13 with CS instead, this has resulted
in the unusual effect of them not having to be on antibiotics throughout the
last winter, I would not mention CS to the doc as such talk is absolute
heresy in the UK and might provoke deportment to Australia. The rest of this
story of self help without the messings of the state is straight forward as
all members of the CS community know.  CS will never be allowed to become
publicly popular because of its natural position within the rules of
commerce. Its too cheap, unpatientable and dam't it works.
I didn't have to be converted, I always believed that there's an alternative
way without toxin.

So now of course I now make my own and because of friends have to make a
lot. I use a small 9 volt battery powered generator. Mostly this is fine,
however sometimes I have noticed that after 7,8 days the silver particles
fall out of suspension and the fluid has to be shaken. Can anyone please
help me on this matter? All my tools are glass except for some plastic
spoons.  I store the output in brown glass bottles out of direct sunlight.
Is 9volts enough, should I use a mains transformer? How far apart should the
silver rods be spaced. What is the ideal water temperature. Any help will
not go unnoticed.

To conclude, I will be in New York  around the middle of April and would
like to contact any subscribers in the NY area for a chat.

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> List maintainer: Mike Devour <>

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