Hello Brooks;
This post interests me because I have a chronic urogenic bladder due to spinal
cord injury 38 years ago; L1-L5 compression fracture resulting from a motorcycle
accident.  In the more recent past I have had two operations for bladder stone
removal, three and two years ago.  for about the past eight years I have taken
oxybutynin chloride (ditropan is essentially identical, curare for the
bladder<g>) to reduce spasming and the exacerbation of diverticulae as well as
the possibility of reflux to the kidneys.  I'm under the care of the SCI center
at the Palo Alto VA Hospital as an outpatient.  Shortly after the second stone
removal I contracted an infection requiring I.V. drip of Gentamycin alternating
with Vancomycin for 4 days; painful and frightening, probably a hospital bug.
I realized I'd better rely on something more than the VA for possible future
resistant infections, and began making colloidal silver per Thom. Miller's site
plans.  Since I intermittently cath, using neosporin as a lubricant, I attempted
irrigating with the CS as well as taking orally , but had no real success in
supressing infections - back to the pill bottle.  Since then, I've built a
constant current, relay flip-flop, generator with stirring and thus improved the
quality of my CS, but have hesitated to try it as an irrigant since on one
memorable occasion I apparently innoculated myself with something other than CS
- back to the pill bottle.  I regularly irrigate with Suby's G solution, a
buffered citric acid solution, without problems.
I noted your inclusion of DMSO, 5% in the irrigating solution and would very
much appreciate learning  of other experimental protocols  you might be aware of
directly or otherwise.  I really do need to manage my own health concerns on
this problem, since the VA Health Care System is relatively - say rather
absolutely - inflexible in such matters.  There are some good Doc.s but they are
constrained by the system.
Thanks very much,  Malcolm

Brooks Bradley wrote:

>                     Dear Lee,
>                 We experienced rather successful results for a number of
> such infections via the avenue of  Colloidal Silver  (95% by volume) X  DMSO
> (5% by volume) irrigations of the urinary tract.....of both animals (dogs
> primarily) and humans.  In one, particular, case involving a 65 year old
> human male....his presenting condition had so inflamed the mouth of the
> bladder that the implementation of a size 28 Van Buren curve was required

Such marlinspikes have struck terror into my own heart. . . .

> for dilating the muscle opening sufficiently to accomodate a small
> catheter......allowing direct injection of the CS solution into the
> bladder.  250 ml of solution (20 ppm) strength was introduced and the
> catheter withdrawn immediately.  This protocol was repeated every 6 hours

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