Hi Kevin,

Yes both high and low pH will kill cancer cells, indeed cancer cells
kill themselves by producing large quantities of lactic acid. The acid
drops the pH to a point where the cell can no longer function. A
cancer mass is a core of dead cells surrounded by a skin of actively
growing cancerous tissue... it is not the mass itself which kills the
host, but the toxins leaking from the dead centre.
Cesium or rhodium salts by their physical nature are able to enter
cancer cells but are unable to get out, and being the most alkaline of
all metals will raise the pH to a level which also kills the cancer,
neutralising the acidic toxins as they go. This is called High pH
Therapy and is something that I offer to people who ask me for help.

Manfred von Ardennene, of Otto Warburg's students advances a therapy
which relies on the massive uptake and use glucose to feed cancer
cells, thus lowering their pH:

"In Europe, the "sugar feeds cancer" concept is so well accepted that
oncologists, or cancer doctors, use the Systemic Cancer Multistep
Therapy (SCMT) protocol. Conceived by Manfred von Ardenne in Germany
in 1965, SCMT entails injecting patients with glucose to increase
blood-glucose concentrations. This lowers pH values in cancer tissues
via lactic acid formation. In turn, this intensifies the thermal
sensitivity of the malignant tumors and also induces rapid growth of
the cancer. Patients are then given whole-body hyperthermia (42 C core
temperature) to further stress the cancer cells, followed by
chemotherapy or radiation.19 SCMT was tested on 103 patients with
metastasized cancer or recurrent primary tumors in a clinical phase-I
study at the Von Ardenne Institute of Applied Medical Research in
Dresden, Germany. Five-year survival rates in SCMT-treated patients
increased by 25 to 50 percent, and the complete rate of tumor
regression increased by 30 to 50 percent.20 The protocol induces rapid
growth of the cancer, then treats the tumor with toxic therapies for a
dramatic improvement in outcome.

The irrefutable role of glucose in the growth and metastasis of cancer
cells can enhance many therapies. Some of these include diets designed
with the glycemic index in mind to regulate increases in blood
glucose, hence selectively starving the cancer cells; low-glucose TPN
solutions; avocado extract to inhibit glucose uptake in cancer cells;
hydrazine sulfate to inhibit gluconeogenesis in cancer cells; and

>As Terry
> Chamberlain has
> pointed out, too high a pH is associated with poor digestion,
> constipation
> etc. This creates a dilemna for anyone already experiencing
> those symptoms
> (I have on and off) who wants to guard against cancer. A
> naturopath friends
> advice to acidify my system by taking lots of lemon juice,
> and for a while
> calcium lactate, certainly fixed up a bout of constipation

Well that may be correct, but it has to be pretty difficult to be too
alkaline, unless one is a strict vegetarian, or is taking large doses
of alkaline salts. Lemon juice is ultimately alkaline forming as is
calcium, the lactates are well tolerated by all except those with low
pH. You may have been calcium deficient.

Glad your on the move now though.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin Nolan [mailto:ken...@optusnet.com.au]
> Sent: Monday, 8 April 2002 1:54 p.m.
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Silver Compounds and
> response
> Thanks Ivan. As you say, a big question. Low cellur pH then
> seems to be a
> chief cause of cancer initiation. Does that mean that raising
> cellular pH
> will reverse the process once cancer has set in? As Terry
> Chamberlain has
> pointed out, too high a pH is associated with poor digestion,
> constipation
> etc. This creates a dilemna for anyone already experiencing
> those symptoms
> (I have on and off) who wants to guard against cancer. A
> naturopath friends
> advice to acidify my system by taking lots of lemon juice,
> and for a while
> calcium lactate, certainly fixed up a bout of constipation.
> regards, Kevin Nolan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "I Anderson" <i...@win.co.nz>
> To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 10:09 PM
> Subject: RE: CS>Silver Compounds and
> response
> > Hi Kevin,
> > You ask a BIG question, which requires time to marshal a response.
> >
> >  "Does anaerobic metabolism cause cancer?"
> >
> > Warburg had quite a bit to say about oxygen and cancer, but I am
> > sure that he gave an answer to that question. What he did find in
> > cancerous tissue was impaired or defective mitochondrial
> processes. It
> > is in the mitochondria that cellular energy processes
> occur, normally
> > by the oxidation of glucose with the products being ATP, CO2 and
> > water. The process proceeds through a glycolysis phase
> which produces
> > a small amount of ATP and lactic acid. The lactic acid would then
> > oxidised further with a much larger production of ATP, CO2
> and water.
> > Warburg found that the second phase did not occur in cancer cells,
> > leading to the rise in concentration of lactic acid (and therefore
> > lowering of pH), and found that mitochondria was impaired
> in some way.
> > I think he believed that a lack of oxygen caused
> mitochondrial damage,
> > but others disagree, the fact remains, however, that where there
> > lactic acid build there is anaerobic energy production, whether
> > is in the presence of oxygen or not.
> >
> > What causes a cell to become cancerous in the first place is the
> > mutation of dna (be it cellular or mitochondrial) or some
> > of cellular process, notably the expression or manufacture
> of proteins
> > and enzymes, from nucleotide building blocks. A normal pH
> ensures the
> > breakdown glucose into the A, C, G and T nucleotide radicals that
> > promote healthy DNA synthesis, and severely limits the ability of
> > mutagens to cross the cellular membrane where they might cause
> > mutation. If the extracellular plasma is more acidic than
> optimum the
> > intracellular fluid must also drop below normal (pH6.6) to
> > the appropriate potential across the cellular membrane, not
> only does
> > this allow the passage of mutagens, but also impairs proper
> nucleotide
> > production. These events may cause cells to mis-function and
> > cancer. When the pH of a cancerous cell lowers
> sufficiently, the pores
> > on the cellular membrane do not work correctly (they are driven by
> > potential difference between the inside and the outside of the
> > which is related to pH). This restricts the passage of
> oxygen but not
> > of glucose. So one can see a number of events which can lead to
> > ceasing of oxidative respiration, leaving only glycolysis
> > (fermentation) as the source of energy for cancer cells.
> >
> > The formation of cancerous tissue is not a function of available
> > oxygen per se, that is just a corollary of the process.
> > So does anaerobic respiration cause cancer..., no, anaerobic
> > respiration is a result of the physiological conditions that
> > cause, ie, mitochondrial damage and disfucntional membrane pores
> > way of low pH.
> >
> > Regards
> > Ivan.
> >
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Kevin Nolan [mailto:ken...@optusnet.com.au]
> > > Sent: Thursday, 4 April 2002 1:33 p.m.
> > > To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> > > Subject: Re: CS>Silver Compounds and
> > electrobiological/electromagnetic
> > > response
> > >
> > >
> > > The oft repeated claim from the alternative healing sector
> > > that cancer cells
> > > operate via a fermentation metabolism and thus are susceptible
> > > oxygenation (Warburg hypothesis) is appealing and I hope true.
> > Stephen
> > > Barret of Quackwatch has justifiably received bad press here
> > > re CS safety.
> > > But that doesn't mean he gets it all wrong. On the matter of
> > > cancer cell
> > > metabolism, the following from
> > > http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/Cancer/oxyge
> > > n.html is
> > > worth some serious pondering:
> > >
> > > "Does anaerobic metabolism cause cancer?
> > > In a 1961 monograph [7], Aisenberg reviewed and analyzed the
> > > subject of
> > > energy metabolism in normal and tumor tissues. He concluded that
> > most
> > > carcinogens are not respiratory poisons; most respiratory
> > > poisons are not
> > > carcinogens; oxygen neither prevents nor inhibits cancer
> > > growth; tumor cells
> > > grow optimally in tissue culture dishes in atmosphere
> > > containing 20% oxygen;
> > > tumors grow rapidly in tissues that are well supplied with
> > > oxygenated blood;
> > > absence of oxygen does not stimulate tumor growth in vitro or in
> > vivo;
> > > agents effective against cancer interfere with DNA synthesis,
> > with
> > > aerobic metabolism; tumors do not get a significant amount of
> > > their energy
> > > from anaerobic metabolism; tumors can and do produce energy by
> > > oxygen-driven metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
> > >
> > > Since the mid 1960s, information amassed has identified
> > > cancer initiation,
> > > promotion, and progression. Alteration of genetic regulation
> > > through DNA
> > > damage, oncogene activation, and inhibitor dysregulation give
> > to
> > > abnormally proliferating cancer cells. There is no evidence
> > > of "poisoning"
> > > in the respiratory enzyme systems of tumor tissues.
> Although Warburg
> > > discovered some differences in metabolism between normal and
> > > cancer cells,
> > > research did not bear out what he considered to be the
> > > "primary cause of
> > > cancer," i.e., the replacement of respiration by
> fermentation.[7]."
> > >
> > > Worth reading the rest of that article also. Comments anyone?
> > >
> > > Kevin Nolan
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
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