Hi Janis,

  You said:

<<Don't worry guys shortly I will be off this list because it is starting to
depress me badly all the hokey ideas like CS does not differentiate
between them, but does differentiate between the different medias, so
the intestinal bacteria are safe. >>

 Your concern has some validity that deserves exploration.

You said:

<<CS does not differentiate between good or bad or medias.  Try
putting CS in an aquarium which is biologically balanced with good
and bad bugs.  It kills them all.  This will eventually get the fish
because the biological balance has been killed.>>

 The question that naturally comes to mind here is why might one
expect that the internal environment of the human body would
not be negatively affected by daily consumption of CS?

 I wish you wouldn't go.  You bring important issues to this forum.


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