Thanks Marshall,
What I was trying to convey though, is that however long and detailed, ones
education is seldom finished.

BTW, are you aware of Sitchin's latest, published this year? The lost book of
Enke? Good price on .
~ The secret to success is sincerity, once you can fake that, you've got it

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 23:05:57 -0400, Marshall Dudley <> wrote:

> wrote:
>> Yes, what you say is problematical.
>> But, I will still not accept from long and highly educated engineers that it 
>> is
>> impossible for the bumblebee to fly, when I am watching it happen in my 
>> garden.
>One has to look at the whole picture.  The bumblebee's wings provide too little
>lift for them to lift the bumblebee.  But the scientists forgot about the flow 
>air over it's round body, which provides a significant amount of lift, 
>to allow it to fly.

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