Very true! ...which is the same reason that most people are right-handed.

Besides, that's only a poor anthropoligists explanation made long before
right and left brain theory developed.  I suppose men who kiss a woman's
hand in a ballroom are also worried about knives or guns being pulled?
Perhaps a seargant is afraid that his troops are going to shoot him during a

You'll note that in cultures that are far more "civilized" the single
handshake is not predominant; as well as highly developed spiritual
cultures.  BOTH hands are employed.  Left to left yields no energy.

None of this is coincidence; as Pythagoras once stated, nature geometrizes.
This includes human biology and even human psychology.

Try some left handed shakes...  If you are perceptive, you'll see the
difference ( it is the same even with those, like myself, who are left
handed ).

> Er... actually since we are mostly right-handed, we shake the right arm
> (started in the old days) to see if any weapons fall out.  I also did
> some fencing in my younger days (foil only) and that is part of
> weapons-lore.
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