Dear Sir,
                        In our experimental medical investigations of
carpal tunnel syndrome, we were able to develop "quite simple" and most
inexpensive protocol addresses to this most uncomfortable
disorder.......from among a quite varied experimental volunteer
population.   One of the simplest....and most effective.....being the
utilization of vitamin B-6, plus  frequent exposure to very "low-tech"
Light-Emitting Diode assemblies (utilizing 5 to 15  3500 mcd
[milli-candle] ).  For a more comprehensive coverage of our experimental
research actual dosages and times of
exposure-----please contact me off-list.
                        It my personal view this is a
HIGHLY treatable condition------quite exclusive of invasive surgical
                                        Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

"Medwith, Robert" wrote:

>  Any one out there know of alternative treatments for carpul tunnel in
> the hands (not sure if the spelling is correct).
>  Looking for some thing besides going under the knife.
>  I had the cortisone shots with limited success for a short time.
>   Thanks Bob