Hi Christiane ~

> Not meaning to make light of a serious subject.........ok........perhaps I
> am. ~:-}  I got quite a chuckle out of the thought of attempting to "shoot
> CS up your goats nose"...............I would say that would take LOADS of
> "assistance AND experience".

I would think with a goat who is extremely ill, this wouldn't be too
difficult.  For those of mine who are my hand raised children, it would be
easier than those who have not been raised by me! :-)  Still much easier
than IV, I believe, but when trimming hooves, I chain them to the chainlink
fence to help keep them in one spot.  Since my CAE positive goats are not
showing the "wasting" and serious signs of CAE, I would need to chain them
to the fence, preferably with the assistance of someone who has weight
enough to help keep them still.  Regardless, as you have experienced with
your daughter, you do what you have to do, within safe limits, to heal.

> My point being, that attacking it from "ALL" directions
> seemed to be the thing that brought the virus to it's knees and got her
> stablized. In light of my experience in a human, I would suggest getting
> in to your goat in as many ways as you can............................but
> wouldn't want to be the one to have to try to get it in their
> nose..........I thought holding my daughter down was tough! ~:-}

Thank you for this info.  Glad YOU found a way to heal your daughter, even
tho the doctors couldn't.

Hugs, Howls, Health, & Happiness,

Julie & Critters

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