Hi Ian,
          Many thanks for doing some research and answering in detail. Taking 
into account your testimony which I accept, and having looked at the material 
on Prill beads at: 
http://www.prillwater.com/, my view is that Jim Carter talks gobbledegook but 
seems to have stumbled onto something really worthwhile. I am interested in 
trying this stuff out, and will contact you further via your private address.

regards, Kevin Nolan
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ian Roe 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 10:05 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Prill Thin Water

  Hi Kevin: 

  I have since found a web site that more fully explains the technology behind 
Prills.  (75 pages of infoormation including the first chapter of Sheally's 
book) Prills are produced in a kiln at high temperatures. The magnesium oxide 
is part of the ceramic containg the technolody within and is incidental and non 
soluable.  There is a solid state laminar technology within the Prills that 
change the structure of water so that it becomes thinner.  It's qualities are 
different. the pH is higher, the surface tension is lower, it freezes at 34 F, 
not 32, it doesn't expand significantly when frozen (enough so that plants 
hydrated with it when frozen do not suffer cell damage when thawed. It also 
hydrates vegetables in the fridge very significantly - I have never seen 
anything like it before in my life and I've lived a long time. Carrots and 
celery so crunchy and tasty you could dream about them)  The higher PPm 
readings that I got could have been for a number of reasons.  I have since come 
out with much lower readings, not understanding that temperature afffects TDS 
readings.  It is also possible that  TDS is based upon conductivity in normal 
water and that conductivity may be different in this structured water.  At any 
rate, I have no clue as to how this may affect CS production or quality and am 
not sure I want to change a process I am using that works perfectly well.  I 
have the CSprosystem Ultra Pro and produce 2-3 batches per day on an ongoing 
basis.  Conductivity changes would affect the outcome.  The Ultra Pro system is 
based upon starting with water of known structure at room temperature with a 
conductivity of 1.2 microsiemens or less and following through to batch 
completion. If I change the conductivity and the angle between the hydrogen and 
oxygen atoms then the product may be different and of unknown particle size and 

  Anyway, I am sold on Prills for other reasons as well.  Dr. Higgens who has 
been researching water and energy for over 30 years has recently developed an 
RO system that takes water down to 1.5 ppm, strips it of its memory and 
reprograms it.  [He is working on an additional stage where it is put through a 
block of coral calcium and with a device that can take the ORP down to minus 
1400 if needed.] When a friend of mine contacted him about Prills wanting to 
know what they were, Dr.Higgens told him that Prills were in the last stage of 
water reprogramming in his water unit and that he knew Jim Carter. The water 
unit sells for $1000 USD.  Prills cost a great deal less ($70 or less on 
special) and don't wear out.  I already have high gauss magnets on my water 
intake pipes for several years now and they probably help to deprogram the 
water before it comes out my taps.

  I recently heard about a river in Norther Ontario that used to be extremely 
polluted and it caused illness.  The pollution has been cleaned up but the 
water still causes illness.  The only explanation is that the water has the 
memory of the previous substances it contained.  Theoretically, you can RO all 
the water you want but the memory of the substances you remove is still in the 
water and although the water tastes better, it can sill have a detrimental 
effect when consumed.  I could not have believed this until I saw pictures in a 
book taken by a Japanese researcher with an MRI at his disposal.  He took 
pictures of frozen water with the MRI from all over the world and good water 
freezes differently than poor water. It forms excellent six sided crystals  
whereas poor water doesn't.  He also showed that water is affected by how we 
speak to it, how it is labeled etc- something people have been saying for years 
but until now, I had never seen scientific proof of it.  Homeopathic solutions 
I think are bottles of water with  memory programed.

  Anyway I thought this would be interesting to you.

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Kevin Nolan 
    To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
    Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 8:04 AM
    Subject: Re: CS>Prill Thin Water

    Ian - in what sense do you mean "the prills work great"? Are you referring 
only to the pH change? If that's all, they are probably quite an expensive way 
to make alkaline water, compared to chucking a little lime in. The main claim 
to fame is 'restructuring':