Howdy Chuck

  You wrote:

                 <  BTW does a quartz prism give different hues than glass?

            Thanks for the remembrance, Chuck  I am no good at
What is BTW ?  You tell me , then I will answer your question.

 With regards

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: CS>bottle for cs

> Hey, Lew!
> Still with us, are you?
> Glad to see you post again.
> BTW does a quartz prism give different hues than glass?
> Chuck
> What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered
> On Sat, 11 May 2002 05:19:02 +0800, FHLew <> wrote:
> >             Many experts  today still speak of  the spectral colours  as
> >being
> >originally  contained in the light  Such a glamour of Newton's classical
> >experiment in the prismatic splitting of light into rainbow colours.
> >However, it is now  known that these colours are the result  of the
> >interference of the apparatus [ prism ] with light. The prism actually
> >manufactures the colours
> >in  light. Glass blocks ultra-violet radiation but not Quartz. Goethe
> >speculated on the  eye's experience of  colour.Goethe's discovery was
> >rejected by many scientists who proclaimed that " Goethe
> >never understood Newton ".
> --
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