The LED modules you guys are looking at are not really intense enough for low level light therapy (LLLT)
The Jameco part has a maximum intensity of 12,000 mcd The BGgmicro parts have a maximum intensity 7,700 mcd Whereas the Digikey part (67-1589-ND) has a max intensity of 48,000 mcd and is much more likely to produce results. I have single red LEDs that produce 6,000 mcd. Search for LLLT (many hits for laser, but the coherency of the light is lost as it enters the tissue and LEDs do just as well). Also try LED phototherapy. This is a well researched and serious treatment modality. Visible red light (660nm) penetrates the tissue 25 - 50mm and interacts with the mitochondria directly, causing an increase in cellular energy production, and increased rates of DNA and RNA transcription, (i.e. increased healing) among other things. Near infrared (700 - 800nm) interacts with the cellular membranes, causes the production of singlet oxygen radicals (at levels high enough to oxidise pathogens but not high enough to cause cellular damage) and increases the potential difference across the membrane allowing for optimum entry of nutrients and expulsion of waste. Apart from Brook's highly innovative and important use of this simple technology, red light can be used to halt bruising (use instead of ice) limit or halt inflammation, lessen pain, and speed healing of sprains, contusions, ulcers and so on. My units are in constant use by the family and friends, and now my daughters school is wishing for a unit (which I will donate) ever since I brought a portable one to the sick bay for my daughter to use, a boy had dropped a chair on her toe. Within minutes of use (the school reports) the pain and swelling had gone, the shoe was on and she was outside with her team having netball practice. One would do well to build a LED phototherapy unit. Ivan -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: Silver-list archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour <>