Greetings.........Yesterday I took my biggest doses of CS throughout the day.  
This morning at 4 am, I woke up from pain and knew something was 
happening........I was having the worst rheumatoid arthritis attack that I've 
ever had.......I was evidentley killing the nasty little mycoplasma's in large 
numbers.  I have never followed through with CS treatments before because I was 
unaware that mycoplasma requires long term treatments...........that has all 
changed......I have them on the run now...............My attack was so bad 
today that I was imobile .......and that has NEVER happened before.  I didn't 
take any CS today...I feel that I need to give my liver and kidney's a chance 
to catch I would not have been able to stand more intense 
pain.  Today my pain was very easily the worse I've ever experienced in my 
life.  from 1 to 10 it was 10.  
     I'm still looking for advice from anyone who has experience using DMSO to 
deliver CS to a specific area.  How should I mix it?........should I attempt it 
at all??..........thanks in advance................I hope I can walk 