Morning Rob,

At 12:12 AM 07/02/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Greetings.........Yesterday I took my biggest doses of CS throughout the day. This morning at 4 am, I woke up from pain and knew something was happening........I was having the worst rheumatoid arthritis attack that I've ever had.......I was evidentley killing the nasty little mycoplasma's in large numbers. I have never followed through with CS treatments before because I was unaware that mycoplasma requires long term treatments..........

Are you the person that got the mycoplasma from imported products a few months ago?

I have been talking to the blood lab about the test. Somehow, they always talk me out of doing the test.

 The tech says, "everyone has it" so no need to test.

I understand that many kinds exist and only a few have been identified and named.

  Any good sites I may have missed?

  What are all the symptoms of mycoplasma?