Yes, but the amounts would be so small I don't think it would be a
problem.  Only if the breasts were being cleaned with CS before the
flora could get started in the baby's intestines would I be concerned.


Bill Missett wrote:

>  CS may still wind up in her milk, however, and thus the baby's
> system.  Correct?
>      ----- Original Message -----
>      From: Keith
>      To:
>      Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 7:50 PM
>      Subject: Re: CS>Our Wonderful FDA At Work Again
>       No, the nursing mother was drinking CS internally. Keith
>           ----- Original Message -----
>           From: Marshall Dudley
>           To:
>           Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 10:38 PM
>           Subject: Re: CS>Our Wonderful FDA At Work Again
>            Keith wrote:
>          > >Beth Said:>>CS question: I have been getting
>          > sharp pains in one of my ears since this
>          > afternoon. I am going to put a few drops of CS
>          > in the ear tonight. Is >this ok to do?>>Beth
>          > Brawn Yes.  It is safe to use pure CS anywhere
>          > inside or outside your body.  to relieve
>          > soreness from breast feeding,  and much more...
>           Is this a topical application?  I would advise not
>           using CS on the breasts until the baby starts
>           having normal bowel movements. It is my
>           understanding that the breasts are a good source
>           of the probiotics the baby needs to set up in the
>           intestines for proper digestion, and CS would
>           surely kill those.
>           Marshall