Re: CS>Our Wonderful FDA At Work AgainHi Jack,
    Well, personally I would think CS by itself would be better 
than mixing it with anything.  I would guess that you could 
put 1/2 to 1 teaspoon in the nebulizer.  To get the best 
results you need the smallest particles you can get.  I 
recommend the Constant Current method.  Here is why:

Constant Voltage vs. Constant Current

With Constant VOLTAGE, as the conductivity in the water
increases, the current increases, and so does the particle
size.  Eventually the particles will become so large that they
will fall out of suspension and will not be able to pass 
throught the body.

With Constant CURRENT, as the conductivity in the water
increases, the voltage is automatically lowered to keep the 
current constant, and therefore the particles stay consistently
as small as possible througout the process.

Keith Pittman

>Keith wrote:
>Hi Jack - My customers said that they add 3 sprays of CS to the Albuterol 
>and/or other medicines 

  >for the nebulizer breathing treatments. 

  Jack wrote:
  The only thing I will be using in my nebulizer is CS, 
  still OK?        How much in the cup?
  I think the CS I'm making is in the 10 to 15 ppm range
  and sub micron in particle size.
