Dear List--

I recently had pleurisy for almost an entire week recently...very
painful/debilitating.  After inhaling nebulized CS until my throat was
windburned and persistently electrifying & magnet-pulsing the site, all of
which succeeded only in keeping the infection from killing me, I finally
decided to make copious amounts of CS and simply DRINK enough to eradicate
the problem.  I spiked it with DMSO (roughly 8 drops/oz.) to help it diffuse
through the linings of the upper alimentary tract as quickly as possible.
In contrast to my previous, protracted suffering, the new approach
dispatched the lung infection in 1.5 days!

----- Original Message -----
> I seem to remember reading somewhere (I think it was Jason) who had a
> patient nebulise.  It caused ... nicotine be released from the
> lungs. I don't remember any more of the particulars, except the person
> nearly died.

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