No one on this list gives advice.  They offer information from personal
experience, assorted hearsay and observations so people can make their own
'more informed' choices.

 You and you alone are responsible for what you believe and do.

Besides that, there should be no confusion between the difference in
definitions of a command and a suggestion in ANY area of lifes experience.
 If you confuse a suggestion with a command, you probably will find lots of
problems, anywhere you care to look, to blame on anyone but you...with all
the power to do otherwise placed exactly where you can't use it.

Looking for absolute answers?  Good luck. They don't exist here or ANYWHERE

 Feeling powerless?  Of course that has nothing to do with giving all your
power that someone else take it. [and blaming them if
they do?]

 This is the catch 22 feedback loop of the victim mentality.


 I demand that you Tell me what to believe!  No, that's not it. [OK, so
what IS it?    You're supposed to tell me so I can hold YOU accountable for
what I think.]

 I do nothing for myself and you can't do anything for me right.

Gee, I'd make up my own mind but Mary Kay and Revlon are on strike...and
the mind maker-upper I hired is an idiot..but I won't fire him. [ Heck,
somebody has to be wrong!..and it can't be me. After all, I'm not stupid
enough to hire an idiot to make my decisions for me and keep on paying him
when he does what I hired him for.]

 To err is human. The ability to admit error to oneself as MY error, is the
ability to learn.
 To blame ignorance on someone else is a sure fire way to remain ignorant.

At 02:45 PM 8/21/02 EDT, you wrote:
>have you ever seriously screwed up someone's health with your advice?  
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