Jack Dayton writes: If smaller is better, it must be presumed you mean ionic as yellow colloids are larger than ionic silver. The color comes as a result of size, btw. Ionic is new on the silver scene, relatively speaking. For years those lettered researchers in the know touted only yellow to gold in coloration knowing that clear silver was molecular i.e...bad. So if smaller(ionic) is better- why have so many testimonials been given unto me after the ingestion of yellow c/s? It seems they both work to stop disease organisms from ravaging the body. BUT- does ionic (clear) silver have the same effects of cellular dedifferentiation? Does it stop cancers, scar tissue and God knows what else. I'm sceptical on clear silver if for no other reason than as a novice I was making what I thought was clear sol;ution onlyu to become educated and find out I was making a low PPM solution of large, grey colloids...the cause of agryria. Granted- at low PPM's but these too build up within the body over time It would take decades to contract agryria with large grey colloids at these low PPM but I suggest it is not good to try and teach a novice how to ingest anything other than a yellow solution for this reason. Keep in mind almost all storebought yellow solution is only yellow because of foodcoloring...92% according to the founder of Arabesque, Dr. Peter Reynolds. Ph. D.

From: rwtnbch...@aol.com
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 10:20:17 EDT
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Newbie/Particle Size
Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com
Resent-Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 07:20:54 -0700
 I¹m not very familiar with the use if colloidal silver so I though I'd drop
in and listen for a while.  I usually use herbal and nutrition therapies.  I
recentlyheard that the particle size makes a big difference in whether or
not cs is safe or not.  Is this true?  Thanks,
Becky ************************************
Hi Becky,  particle size has nothing to do with safety
only effectiveness -- in this case, smaller is better.
If you decide to buy some CS to try it , I am certain
that  you are safe.  What problem are you trying
to cure? Jack

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