My fist batches of c/s were with a three-battery unit. Cloudy white (grey) colloids resulted, which stuck to and eventually silver-plated the glass (mirrored). If large grey particles stick, as do yellow particles- whose to say clear ions don't as well? I began the use of vitamine C as an electrolyte many months before I validated it in an old chemistry text as the electrolyt commonly used in early experimentation. Vitamin C introduction after 1-2 minutes or more causes sol to turn yellow almost immediately. Question: Could this be bringing more ions into colloids faster, perhaps even more effectively, thereby having a more highly colloidal sol as opposed to a more ionic colloidal silver sol?
Johnny Silverseed- author:
"C/S ....@ntibiotic Superhero" Ode Coyote writes:
  If yellow CS is left in clear glass, the yellow sticks to the glass and
the remainder still exhibits all the properties of CS.
 This tells me that yellow CS is not ALL yellow and contains a good
percentage of the small colorless particles along with the larger yellow ones.
 The deeper the yellow for a given PPM, the higher the percentage  is.
Ion to particle ratio increases with the removal of the larger yellow
particles but remains essentially the same quantity as conductivity doesn't
change much at all.
 I have recently made colorless batches with a conductivity of 43
microsiemens that have remained colorless for 2 weeks now and have a
heavy/fine TE in laser light as viewed in a somewhat dimly lit room and no
'sparklies'. [run in 70 deg F water]
 I have yet to find a consistant saturation point for silver in solution
with water.
 Particle size seems to be quite connected to current/electrode area
ratios, water temperature and circulation. Ken

At 11:34 AM 8/25/02 -0400, you wrote: wrote:
Jack Dayton writes:
If smaller is better, it must be presumed you mean ionic as yellow colloids
are larger than ionic silver. The color comes as a result of size, btw.
Ionic is new on the silver scene, relatively speaking. For years those
lettered researchers in the know touted only yellow to gold in coloration
knowing that clear silver was molecular i.e...bad. So if smaller(ionic) is
better- why have so many testimonials been given unto me after the
of yellow c/s?

In CS what you see is not always what you get.  Even yellow CS contains
90% or
more ionic. You cannot see that.  There is no doubt that yellow CS is very
effective, the only question is if the effectiveness is from the 5 to 10%
particles that are making it yellow, or the 90 to 95% ionic. As far as I know there has been no really good research on that issue.
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