Bottom line:
If you can see anything at's not the ions you are seeing.
Ions are way too small to reflect visible light.

The smallest colloidal particles have no color but will reflect [refract?] visible light and can be seen as a Tyndal effect.
The larger yellow colloidal particles may still be small enough to cross cell wall boundaries. If not, they don't get absorbed OR eliminated from a cell..they just pass on and do nothing in there.
Even yellow CS has a high percentage of smaller colorless colloidal particles and many many ions.

Since silver has no known chemical niche in mammalian cellular chemistry, and if it does cross the cell wall into the cell, so what?
It can also cross the other way without doing anything at all to the cell...other than grabbing a virus along the way?
What are the facts? Who knows?
We deal with experience...then try to explain it. But the experience stands for itself without theory. It does what it does no matter what we might think it's doing.

So far as I can determine, no one really KNOWS how silver does what it does. All theories are theories.
Electricity works, but no one really knows what electricity is.
Applying a theory can show the expected result and still be incomplete or even totally wrong.
We pay scientists to be "right" and "know", so they almost always sound certain that they are and do.
But , historically speaking, seldom actually are totally right and never know everything about anything.

..and very few webmasters know [or care] anything at all about science.
They repeat what they hear that they think will make you want to buy the product...and know that someone who is afraid will buy anything for any price.
They'll quote anyone..even John Thomas who thinks mustard gas has anything at all to do with mustard.

"Blindness, Mad Cow Disease and Canola Oil", by John Thomas, which appeared in Perceptions
magazine, March/April 1996. Some of the claims are ludicrous. Although rape is a member of the
Brassica or mustard family, it is not the source of mustard gas used in chemical warfare."

Isn't he the guy that also believes that contrails are something other than water vapor and that they are a new thing even when it can be photographically proven that prop planes and even ocean liners can produce them and have for over 50 years?

At 11:55 PM 8/24/02 -0400, you wrote:
>I have been doing some reading on the silver websites lately and I see
>someone saying that ionic silver crosses the cell wall. Is not that a
>problem? I've always thought silver smothers anaerobically metabolizing
>organisms from the outside thereby harming no aerobically metabolizing
>organisms. If it crosses into the cell can it not then harm it somehow?
>Also, in my early experiments of '98 I found vit.C/ascorbic acid to work the
>best as an electrolyte- virtually always bringing the ions to colloidal
>size-thus the yellow coloration shows itself. Making yellow colloids is what
>I learned from DR. Peter Reynolds and others. I do not understand ionic. It
>seems to me it is just another way of saying molecular, which I equate with
>bad. Who were the first one or two people to promote ionic and where is
>their research to be found. I want to be able to debunk it properly or not
>at all. Can anyone answer this.
>Johnny Silverseed author:
>C/S ....@ntibiotic Superhero
> writes:
>> Hi Jan,
>> I am a firm believer that whatever CS you buy or make, the best results
>> will come from the products that contain the majority of the silver in the
>> form of silver ions and any particles contained in such solution be very
>> small, 10 nanometer or less in diameter, smaller is better. I believe,
>> after much personal study, that products high in silver particles are
>> basically useless compared to silver ion products. Why? Because silver,
>> or any mineral for that matter, must be in ionic form to interact with a
>> biological system. Silver particles are very stable and are not even
>> effected by our stomachs hydrochloric acid. The acid content of the blood
>> is very low also and does little to release ions from the silver
>> particles. Blood is actually slightly basic (non-acid). pH of the plasma
>> is controlled by the body at 7.4 (7.35 - 7.45). Most particles are
>> eliminated by the body before they release many ions. Also, the majority
>> of CS produced by users at home is mainly ionic, and many great results
>> from many different people have been reported with that type of silver,
>> ionic. While it may be true that silver ions are affected by stomach acid
>> and other ions in the blood, our bodies produce a molecule called
>> metalloprotein that latches on to free metallic ions and transport them
>> throughout the body and prevent free ions from affecting it. Our saliva
>> has over 200 different proteins and fully one third of body proteins are
>> metalloproteins. Thus, reactive ions (missing one or more electrons) can
>> be transported past the stomach and through the circulatory system without
>> local reactions. How these metalloproteins with silver ions interact with
>> pathogens is currently beyond my knowledge, however, I should have some of
>> those answers soon.
>> I have been very pleased with the results and the price of the CS supplied
>> by The price I paid works out to 47 cents an ounce.
>> I believe they also have available a constant current generator to produce
>> either a quart or a gallon of CS. There are also links to various studies
>> and information such as I've included here.
>> Good Luck
>> Rob
>> Jan wrote:
>> I have a question that has probably been asked before: If one is a
>> little intimidated by the technical aspects of making one's own cs,
>> (or perhaps, too lazy!) what has proved -- in the lister's experience --
>> to have been a good brand of cs to buy? I know it is expensive, so I
>> would like to find the best quality for the money I might spend.
>> --
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