No results on ebay yet
I'll try again in a day or so

>Do a search on eBay on my ID of abeland1 and you will see the details.  I
>brought these into the country originally  to try to provide a method of
>testing home made CS for strength of colloidal content (coupled with a light
>meter).  I broached the idea here on the CS list and it went over like a
>lead balloon.  A few old Radar guys popped up with the assertion that you
>would not be able see anything of a size less than the wavelength of the
>laser, 650nm.  This was not true as scattering is not the same as
>reflection, but with the math involved, I was not about to fight that out
>here.  Then eBay decided to ban anything even mentioning colloidal silver.
>By this time I thought I had really stepped in it and decided to just sell
>off the pointers on eBay.  To my amazement, people really liked them and I
>started making a small but steady profit on them.  Life really is like a box
>of chocolates, isn't it?
>Best Regards,
>Arnold Beland

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