DMSO will carry anything below a critical molecular weight into and
throughout the body; good stuff or bad stuff.

Therefore, clean the skin thoroughly with soap and water before applying it.
I even go the extreme of rinsing the area with distilled water after rinsing
away the soap with tap water, because most tap water is not to be trusted.

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeannie []
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: CS>A lung disease -- suggestions?

Jim Meissner wrote:

> Dear Jeannie, could you please provide some more information about DMSO
> dosages, warnings, effects, etc?

DMSO is another thing that has gotten a bad rap, and is really not toxic.
government came out and said that it could cause damage to the eyes.  What
didn't tell you was that they gave the rats the equivalent of a person
a quart a day.  At that point there seemed to be some damage to the eyes,
the rats didn't go blind, and the effect cannot be duplicated in other
So it probably wouldn't happen to you if you did drink a quart a day (heaven

The only usual side-effect is that if you use it too strong, it can irritate
skin.  When I use it, I usually mix it with CS.  For external use, I use it
50/50.  This relieves my husbands arthritis when applied externally to the
painful joints.

When I use it simply to make the CS penetrate, I usually use it 90% CS to
DMSO.  I wouldn't breathe it any stronger than that, although I don't really
know if it would hurt you or not.  We have also sometimes added a drop of
two of
tea tree oil to the nebulizer.

I have used the CS/DMSO solution (the weaker one) for ring worm and other
problems with a great deal of success.  I have reversed all kinds of
including abcesses, and blood poisoning by using this externally.

By the way, there is a story that one lady died from taking DMSO.  She was
Ireland, and was taking several other drugs.  She took DMSO internally, got
allergic reaction, but continued taking everything.  Yes, it killed her.  It
a really dumb thing to do.

For one thing, DMSO makes other drugs more effective, as it makes them
more.  Heaven only knows what she was allergic to, but you never keep on
things if you get an allergic reaction.  There is always somebody allergic
anything, and allergies can be dangerous.

But these are the only problems that the government could dig up on DMSO.
Considering how dangerous many drugs are, DMSO is extremely safe.  Many
take it internally for arthitis pain control.  We have never done that, so I
have no experience with it.


We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves.

Jeannie McReynolds
Oregon Coast

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