> From: Jeannie <jean...@ucinet.com>
> Resent-Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 12:49:12 -0700
> The only usual side-effect is that if you use it (DMSO) too strong, it can
> the  skin.  When I use it, I usually mix it with CS.  For external use, I use
it at
> 50/50.  This relieves my husbands arthritis when applied externally to the
> painful joints.

Hi Jeannie, I have a few questions -
what form of  arthritis does your husband have?
Where do I buy some DMSO?

My wife has tried gluclosamine and chondroitan (SP) for
osteo arthritis with no results, I have convinced her to try
CS with DMSO. 
