--- TJ Garland <goldenok...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have just read Barefoot's two books- Death by Diet
> and  The Calcium 
> Factor(pretty technical). Excellent!!!  Goes along
> with Carey Reams on ph.  
> He also talks about lemon juice and cesium chloride
> for raising the body ph 
> above 7 where cancer will not grow, and will
> actually disappear. He also 
> quotes a lot of work from Otto Warburg(Nobel Prize
> for Ox and cancer). Any 
> use marine coral calcium or cesium chloride? Lots of
> studies showing 
> effectiveness.
> >From: mars larz <pp...@yahoo.com>
> >Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >Subject: CS>coral calcium and cs
> >Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 15:08:51 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >
> >has anyone ever seen the informercial about coral
> calcium? they talk about 
> >the acids and alkaline and ph levels in our systems
> and how coral calcium 
> >works to balance them out i wonder if you could use
> this product while 
> >taking cs there are articles on the site by a
> scientist named Robert 
> >Barefoot. who speaks extensivly about the benefits
> of coral calcium as an 
> >antioxident that helps the immune system and even
> fights off cancer cells. 
> >i'm a newbie so if any of you veterans out their 
> in silverland have the 
> >time please look up Robert Barefoots name and the
> product information on 
> >coral calcium and post your results.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >thank you
> >
Thanks for your response  but from reading some of his
excerpts on the net he also mentions something about
coral calcium getting rid of the metals in your body.
isn't cs considered a metal?

> >
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> TJ Garland, CMO supplier
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thank you

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