Problem is that eBay just bought PayPal (well, they're in the process), and
eBay considers CS an illegal product.  I've fought with them over this issue
time and time again, even talked to a couple of people in their legal
department, and they just won't back down from their stance.  It's quite a
shame if you ask me.

Just remember, on the internet, it's even easier for "big brother" to keep
an eye on you and your dealings.

Yours in health,
James Allison

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 3:55 PM
Subject: CS>Pay-Pal Rejects my Web-site due to selling Illegal Products

> Just though I would drop a line about how things need
> to be changed.  I recently tried to register with
> PAY-PAL online shops to sub-mit my website for
> approval and they sent back two e-mails stating that
> my product is ILLEGAL in some states and Countries.
> Can anyone tell me what the %^$ is going on here!!  A
> copy of the E-mail is pasted below.
> " Important Information Regarding Your Shop
> Dear Corbin Hanson,
> PayPal Shops contains a diverse group of online stores
> that accept PayPal as a method of payment.  Because
> laws vary from country to country and from state to
> state,
> we must consider the legality of the items or services
> you are selling both in your locality and in that of
> your customers.  What is legal in one country or state
> may not be in another.
> Your website has been removed from PayPal Shops
> because it is not consistent with the policies
> outlined
> in either the User Agreement or the PayPal Shops
> Allowable Goods and Services Guidebook.  Please review
> the User Agreement and the PayPal Shops Allowable
> Goods
> and Services Guidebook before attempting to register
> another PayPal Shop.  If you register a website that
> is
> disapproved from entry into PayPal Shops or your
> website
> must be removed from PayPal Shops due to a policy
> violation,
> your account will be permanently prohibited from
> registering
> a PayPal Shop on the third such occasion.
> We understand that many of our merchants sell a
> diverse
> array of products, and that you might own another
> online
> store that may be eligible for PayPal Shops.  Please
> remember that registrations for PayPal Shops are
> evaluated
> individually, and that you may attempt register
> another
> PayPal Shop with us if you feel it is acceptable
> under the PayPal Shop policies.
> Sincerely,
> PayPal Shops Support Team"
> Corbin
> __________________________________________________
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