Paula writes:
> Libertarian meaning one who toes the line benefiting corporate
> rapacity, but doesn't even have to be paid to do so????

It's time for me to step in here on two fronts... 

First, I think this part of the discussion needs to migrate to the, lest we start hashing out our
political differences here. We don't do that. Not here.

Second, all of the Libertarian candidates I've met have wanted power
only to do one thing, eliminate as much government power and authority
as possible. Of course so few have actually attained such power one
cannot judge whether they're immune to the fever... <grin>

If dogcatchers, drain commissioners, and city council members are any 
indication, they'll do okay.

> Actually I don't trust any politician of any label, party, or stripe
> whatever. By definition (in my book) anyone who seeks to hold office
> is seeking power, authority, whatever, and is therefore not to be
> trusted.

Ahhh, an anarchist after my own heart!

> Plus, he is a human being, and therefore also not trustworthy by
> definition. 

There's a discussion with religious and philosophical undertones if 
I've ever heard one! <yumm!>

> Yah, I know, I'm completely cynical, but then, I'm old
> and entitled..... paula

And there's an entitlement I can endorse. <GRIN>

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Mike Devour
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[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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