Any one who thinks the media checks out all their stories is sadly
mistaken.  Just today it was reported that a study by WHO said there
would be no more blond-haired people in a few hundred years.  It's, of
course, a total fabrication, but it was too good to not publish.  Here's
the text:
Roots Reveal Story on Blonds Was Bleached 

It was one of the catchier stories on morning shows and evening news
programs alike last week - - study shows that blonds will become extinct
within 200 years. But there's just one problem, reports the New York
Times - - it wasn't true. 

The tale apparently got its start last Friday in several British
newspapers reporting that the study in question was attributed to no
less than the World Health Organization. 

As picked up the papers, and later by mainstream U.S. news programs
including ABC News's Good Morning America and CNN, the study concluded
that blondness was caused by a recessive gene that was diminishing. The
last remaining natural blonds would survive longest in Scandinavia,
where concentrations are highest, according to the tale, and the last
true blond would hail from Finland. 

But in a statement issued yesterday, WHO said it had never conducted
such a study and that it had never reported that blonds would become

British papers said the report was likely picked up from one of several
news organizations used by the press. But apparently, quips the Times,
the story was just too good to check for veracity. 

-----Original Message-----
From: James Osbourne, Holmes [] 
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 10:48 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Re: the blue senator

"Most media
organizations have far too much integrity to engage in such practices."

Are you kidding?  Until recently everyone believed that Pearl Harbor was
a surprise.  They are now admitting that Roosevelt allowed it to happen,
"for the good of the nation".  Admiral Richardson told him years prior
what was going to happen.  Foreign nations warned years in advance.
There were 24 radio transmission intercepted by intelligence as they
were coming. Roosevelt ordered Hawaii to not be informed. ONI gave him
an explicit warning 69 hours before the attack.

Do you think the mainstream press has presented an true, correct, and
complete evaluation of Oklahoma City. WTC?  Iraq?

James-Osbourne: Holmes

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