Healing and repair requires quite a lot of growth hormone. If you are 
young enough to be a good producer that possibly won't be a problem, but 
if your older than 45 or so, you should know that white cell manufacture 
in the bones is elevated with growth hormone increase.  Also thymus size 
reduces with age, and size and hence function is elevated in the presence 
of growth hormone increase. Because the thymus cues and matures white 
cells to fighting mode, GH increase is an excellent way to increase your 
immune system.

It's well-known that GH levels fall with age. It's less well-known that 
also glutathione falls off with age. Glutathione is the body's master 
antioxidant and detoxifier. The significance to the glutathione is that 
monoclonal white blood cells require ample glutathione levels for 
viability at the time they divide. In addition, elevated glutathione 
levels fortify every cell in the body, which reduces the effect and 
numbers of any infection, and increases toxin removal and energy.

There's a lot more to it than that; links appear on:
http://members.shaw.ca/particiagilbert and

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