Be sure your fingers are warm when you look at them?
My whole finger gets blue when it's cold and not even all that cold.

At 11:48 PM 11/1/02 -0600, you wrote:
I have also noticed a bluish/purple tint on my fingernail moons. In my case they have come
and gone over the years. They were there before I ever heard of CS, but they are currently
not blue, even though I drink CS every day and have done so for about a year now.
I don't
know what they indicate (if anything). So I just write it off as another non-essential mystery.
I can't comment about your CS generator since I don't know anything about it, but I use the Silvergen SG-6 and am very happy with it.

Be at Peace

----- Original Message -----
From: <>Paul Ladendorf
To: <>Silver List
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 10:09 PM
Subject: CS>Uh Oh...Blue Fingernails

Ok, about 2 years ago I started using about 1/2 to 1 oz/day of a 100 ppm colloidal silver product from Water Oz and about 2 mos ago I started using 16-32 oz of about 12-15 ppm according to the PWT of my own brew using a generator made by Sota Instruments with constant current adapter and then a Coyote Zenterprises generator also with constant current and thermal stirring (When I was using 32 oz made by the Sota generator I assumed that it was 5 ppm but according to the PWT it was more like 15 ppm) . Never noticed anything until now but the moons on my fingernails definitely have a blue-purple tint. Who knows they may have been blue for quite a while and maybe I just never noticed it until Marshall mentioned it. Guess I should stop for a little while and see what happens. I'll keep you posted.


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