Hi Catherine; the whole subject area of cell wall deficient forms is confusing - at least to me. I've just started reading Dr. Mattman's book, don't know if the quote Nancy pointed you to is from the book or someone's precis. What does seem clear is that most detection methodologies are still based on "accepted standards" and may well miss some forms - if seen, considered 'debris' rather than identifiable pleomorphs, and often not seen at all. Whether a PCR would be adequate standalone technology for detection - - - ? Could you give me some references on detection and treatment protocols and general enlightenment on CWD forms and filtrable pleomorphs?
TIA,  Malcolm

At 12:44 AM 11/6/02 -0800, you wrote:
Dear Nancy,

  You said:

<<FYI   Alzheimer's disease is an auto immune disease caused by micoplasma.

Using PCR and genetic probes, it has been demonstrateed that between
30 and 35% of CFS patients and 4 to 8% of healthy controls carry
the Mycoplasma fermentans genome in their peripheral blood mononuclear
cells.  This does not account for the other 65-70% of people diagnosed
as having CFS.

  It would probably be more accurate to see mycoplasma as
opportunistic bacteria  that takes advantage of the body being in
a weakened state.  It may serve as a cofactor in the induction of
cytokines and other immune abnormalities found in CFS, but is
by no means the cause of CFS.


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