Dear Robb,

  You said:

<<I think Nancy does indeed have strong evidence........the problem
is.....Doctors use diagnosis' like MS......or Lupus........or similar names
when they don't really know for what is wrong................Robb>>

   **  I'm quite pleased to hear Nancy's story ofrecovery, but
one recovery from what may not have been MS (using your ideas
about this) hardly constitutes evidence that mycoplasma is responsible
for MS, AIDS, Lupus, cancers, etc.

    There are a number of people who have treated themselves for
different diseases in different ways resulting in recovery.  A good
look at these and other cases makes it safe to say that no one culprit
is responsible for most illnesses, otherwise, one substance that worked
for one illness would work for all these illnesses.  Sadly, this is not the


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