It is my opinion, if I had waited for all these "informed " responses, I
would not be walking today, and probably not taking CS.
----- Original Message -----
From: "C Creel" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 4:49 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Has anyone had success with CS and LUPUS?

> Jonathan,
>  You said:
> <<Please keep on posting and ignore the school-marmish comments you might
> receive.  No one has time to check every citation, >>
>      If being thorough is "school-marmish" in your book, I'll take the
> you intended as an insult and wear it proudly.
>  But, I find it more than a little distasteful that when unable to counter
> with an informed response, you (and a handful of others) will resort to
> ad hominem attacks.
> Catherine
> --
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