A few years ago I visited Hamilton, NZ, and went to an area there which
is sacred to the Maori -- a mesmerizing place of bubbling pools of
molten clay, steam spouts, and so on.   I could have stayed a lifetime. 
 Pure magic.  But the tour guides dragged me away.   I would not be at
all surprised if this area has healing clays.  I have a strong
sensitivity to energy fields, and this place had quite a "charge" to it.
  The name does not come to mine -- Remoura?  Ivan, do you know? 


Ivan Anderson wrote:
> Jason,
> Thank you for a most informative and interesting post.
> I have found your previous messages on the subject of healing clays
> extremely interesting also, and I will investigate further as time
> permits, as I feel there must be some good clays here in New
> Zealand... there certainly are for potting, which was a hat I wore for
> some years in the distant past.
> NZ is quite thermally active, and there are a number of sites with
> bubbling mud pools and so on. I wonder if these clays would be worth
> investigating. The marriage of silver and healing clay sounds like a
> great idea from outside the square. Please keep us informed of your
> progress.
> Kind Regards
> Ivan.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jason Eaton [mailto:ey...@lvcm.com]
> > Sent: Saturday, 30 November 2002 8:39 a.m.
> > To: *Silver-List*
> > Subject: Re: CS>ORMUS and stills
> >
> >
> > Ivan:
> >
> > Indeed, mysteries prevail...  Unfortunately, the ORMUS
> > products that are
> > available that CAN be studied are not the same as Hudson's
> > products.  I had
> > the privilege many years ago to examine some of Hudson's
> > monotomic gold and
> > Iridium - when Hudson's dream was still alive and fresh in
> > the mind of those
> > investing in his project.  Holding the Iridium in your hand
> > was like burying
> > your hand in a large bin of sea salt for hours, only the feeling was
> > hundreds of times more potent.
> >
> > I have always been interested in the monoatomic elements,
> > as reportedly the
> > healing clays are rich with them.  This is one reason why I
> > have been so
> > diligent in attempting to find natural and unprocessed
> > clays to study, as my
> > understanding is that any processing of substances with
> > monoatomic elements
> > greatly effects them -- just like Aloe Vera.
> >
> > On a related note, I just had a wonderful meeting with
> > Thierry Brunet and
> > his wife from France, of the "Buruli Busters" (
> > http://www.burulibusters.com ) organization.  His mother heads the
> > non-profit relief effort in Africa, and he has been touring
> > the world
> > meeting with the top pelotherapy practitioners and clay
> > scientists of the
> > world.
> >
> > We have yet another recent documented case of severe
> > mercury poisoning (
> > this one nearly lethal, with symptoms including comas, a stroke, and
> > neurological abnormalities )being eliminated within one
> > week of clay baths
> > made with larger amounts of Montmorillonite, and Illite
> > taken internally.
> > Final questions remain on the best way to pull the mercury from the
> > head/brain region, but all symptoms have been completely
> > eliminated.  Blood
> > tests have been taken for a comparison, but the results are
> > not back as of
> > yet.  An analysis will be done on the "used clay" itself, as well.
> >
> > I believe at this point I have sufficient evidence,
> > although anectodtal, on
> > the efficacy of silver as combined with clay against at least viral
> > conditions, due to repeated successes done by comparing the
> > action of silver
> > alone, clay alone, and silver and clay combined against
> > various forms of
> > herpes breakouts.  In the future, we hope to test the clay silver
> > combination with the Buruli ulcers.
> >
> > Silver alone is not likely to be effective against this
> > condition due to the
> > fact that it is nearly impossible to deliver anything to
> > infected tissues
> > ( while in the beginning treatment stages ).  Somehow,
> > although no scientist
> > or expert to date has discovered how, the illite, when
> > placed on the body
> > externally, is reaching the infection site through
> > prolonged treatment.  I
> > believe that silver added to this mica clay, at least in
> > the later stages of
> > treatment, will vastly improve tissue healing, and may help
> > to avoid the
> > unpleasant side effects often encountered about mid-way through the
> > treatment ( the immune system tends to breakdown and the
> > individual can
> > become quite ill for a period of time ).
> >
> > Such work on my end has been very slow going.  I've been
> > having problems
> > identifying the difference in efficacy of the various
> > clays, and think I've
> > finally isolated one factor in the smectite class of clays:
> >  It appears that
> > high sodium bentonites/montmorillonites are far less
> > effective then their
> > "virgin" counterparts when used on the body.
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> >
> > Jason
> --
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