Dear Jean,
                    Barring other, mitigating, conditions........I believe you
will find that a 50% insoluble oil-fraction is more than sufficient to defeat
the efficacy of colloidal silver.  The better you homogenize the compound
mixture......the more efficient the isolating influence of the oil-based
fraction.  The oil fraction is quite efficient at isolating much of the CS from
completing a physical interface with adjacent tissue structures.  What one,
usually, encounters---in such circumstances as you relate---is a field of many
"islands" of bacterial/fungal colonies.....appearing to be a continuous sward
across the visible environment.
                    Colloidal silver is somewhat effective, but to a
much-reduced emulsions containing water-insoluble oils.   This
may easily be substantiated through introducing a soy-based emulsifier such as
lecithin, into a parent mixture containing gelatin (excellent bacterial
food-source) and colloidal silver.....lowering the temperature for congealing,
then allowing the temperature to rise to levels supporting bacterial/fungal
reproduction.   Various population levels of opportunistic bacteria/fungus will
soon make their appearance (usually).
                      Another possibility, in your case, may be that the CS
enjoyed sufficient interfacing to be effective in controlling families of
inhibitory bacteria which were, themselves, controlling some existing fungal
populations........hence a bloom of the fungal or algae-like populations.  Do
remember, the ambient atmosphere is filled with numberless microscopic
agents.......continually;  therefore, unless you are in "clean-room"
environments....there is no practical way to totally eliminate surrounding
microbial agents.  This obtuse observation is stimulated by your statement that
many other, similar (excepting the CS), mixtures using distilled water coupled
with reasonable hygiene.......apparantly, did not manifest as did the
CS-containing mixtures------indicating you may have upset an existing "balance"
commonly present within the natural biological landscape.
                                            Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
BJ wrote:

> Would like your opinion on something....about a month ago or so, I made a
> lotion recipe I have.  I used CS instead of the distilled water that was
> called for.  (The oils that are in this recipe are roughly 1/2 of the
> amount of water, by the way.)  Made the recipe the same as a zillion times
> previously, using sterilized jars, etc.  The only difference was using the
> CS instead of regular distilled water.  The CS was some I made with a
> generator from Ole Bob, I think.    The CS itself has a slight color change
> from regular water, so apparently it really IS CS!!!  I don't know how else
> to tell.
> I put no preservative of any kind in this lotion thinking that the CS would
> inhibit the growth of any critters.  Boy, was I ever wrong!!!  Imagine my
> surprise this morning when I took the lid off a brand new jar to be met
> with all kinds of fuzzies....
> I feel sort of let down from this - how can CS be
> inhibiting/destroying/killing/preventing anything in our bodies when it
> won't do that at a 50% ratio in a jar????  Would like to see some
> discussion on this.
> Thanks,
> Jean
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