Dear Laura,
                        In our past researches involving DMSO and MSM, we have
found that both have pronounced effect in INCREASING the potentcy of  95% of the
systemically introduced drugs.  DMSO routinely increased effectiveness of many
drugs by 4X and in vivo protocols.  MSM gave a reduced
"multiplier-effect" (less than 50% and sometimes even less), but was tolerated
for MUCH  higher dosage levels, than was DMSO. We utilized DMSO in vivo very
sparingly.......primarily because of its very pronounced odiferous effects.
Additionally, DMSO capability for powerful entrainment of a majority of  drug
substances......caused us concern for the SPEED of transfer throughout the
secondary circulation system.  MSM, on the other hand, is much more benign in
that it is not an entrainment agent----relying primarily for its effectiveness
through its pronounced solubility and ability to enlarge/flush cell- wall pores.
We found no definable data establishing an advantage for  DMSO or MSM for
providing the organic sulphur fraction necessary for proper human body health.
However, from a convenience consideration, plus secondary concerns of
entrainment, DMSO presents a "dose-limiting" restriction reduces its appeal for
protocols inviting aggressive in vivo address.
                        A word of caution.  Although less powerful in the
"multiplier effect" than DMSO, MSM can on occasion generate multiplier effect of
4X......under certain combination with specific drug substances.
                        MSM is, probably, one of the most benign substances,
relative to human health function, which we have ever evaluated.
                         For topical employment, DMSO demonstrated to be 
superior to MSM----in ALL applications we evaluated-----and most especially in
cases involving arthritis of an articulating joint.
                                           Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley. wrote:

> Dear Brooks,
>   One thing I haven't been able to puzzle out about either DMSO or MSM is if
> they increase the power of drugs already in a person's system.  My husband is
> on many rx meds, yet could benefit from DMSO or MSM.  But since I don't
> understand if these would increase the potential of the drugs he takes daily,
> I'm afraid to recommend DMSO/MSM for his surgical scars, sprains, etc. out of
> fear that he might OD on his rx's.  Thanks in advance if you can help me sort
> this out.
> Laura
> In a message dated 12/20/02 12:36:06 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> >                                     Dear Robert,
> >                          I do not know who recommended 8 tps. daily, or
> >  what the basis for their recommendation is.  However, our researches
> >  indicate that such volume is not a threat of any ones general
> >  health.  Our best results have manifested, generally, from a range of  4
> >  to 6 teaspoons daily.....for a variety of afflictions/imbalances among
> >  our volunteer humans and animals presenting abnormalities deemed
> >  susceptible to MSM protocols.
> >                          The most obvious conclusion indicated by the
> >  rapid escalation in dosage, would be to elevate the systemic
> > rapidly as possible.
> >                                      Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
> >  p.s.  We have, on occasion, utilized quantities as high as 20 grams
> >  daily.....for some severe articulating-joint arthritis
> >  experimentations----without undesireable consequences.
> >
> --
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