Breathing exercises can be quite complicated.
The Yogis have made quite a science of it and have refined it over centuries of

The very best instruction I have EVER come across are two books called
"Pranayama" by Andre van Lysebeth and "Light on Pranayama" by Iyengar.
I would never consider lending either to anyone for fear of ever losing them.

BTW Yogic exercises have NOTHING to do with religious beliefs. Have no fear of
disrupting your mania.

Why do croutons come in airtight packages?
 It's just stale bread to   begin with.

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 02:20:09 -0500, Robb Allen <> wrote:

>I'm a little confused.  [no big surprise]   I'm finding alot of conflicting 
>information about what are the best breathing excersises that a person can do 
>to enhance their health.  Although one hand there are breathing techniques 
>like buteyko that say breathing less is good for you.  There are dozens of 
>breathing exercises out there that concentrate on using your full lung 
>capacity.  If you read the buteyko web page they will tell you that it is good 
>for most diseases.  Isn't the objective of breathing exercises to help you to 
>better oxygenate the blood?  That is what I am hoping to do does anyone have 
>any suggestions how to do it?  Thank you

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