Hi there,
thanks for the post.  Could it be that your problem is angina?  If so then
deep breathing would probably help.  I really don't see any way whatsoever
that buteyko can help you oxygenate your blood.

Products for a better life and better living.
Email: rube211...@yahoo.com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne Fugitt" <wa...@fugitt.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 9:41 AM
Subject: CS>Breathing, my experience and problem

> Morning Robb, Jason, and the list.
> I don't disagree with anything stated but have some observations that may
> be interesting and valuable.
> Some people breath frequent and shallow.   This is not the best
> way.  Others never breath properly during their lifetime.
> Others might be forced to breath differently, if they can think
> Now..... the specifics.
> A few years back, I let a friendly doctor talk me into getting a heart
> ultrasound.
> The technician seemed concerned and worried.   ( maybe with just cause )
> She did in fact fetch a young cardiologist.  He started firing questions
> me, without even sitting down.
> Have you ever had a heart attack?       My answer....... NO !
> Have you ever had chest pains?       My answer........  Once, when some
> doctor gave me a blood pressure medication.  I immediately quit taking it,
> and have never had another chest pain.
> Do you take an aspirin every day?    My answer.......  NO !
> He said  "you should take an aspirin every day".    My answer, ........ "I
> am not going to take an aspirin every day,  All the doctors that I believe
> say not to take aspirin".
> By the way, this 20 to 30 minute bull session, cost $ 1000.00
> Maybe I do have a heart problem.   Seems they stated that one valve does
> not work just right.
> Still, I never have chest pains.  At infrequent intervals, I notice a
> and different feeling about where the left side of the heart would be.
> I still don't take any cotton picking aspirin or any other drug )
> How does all this relate to breathing?  When I do one to two exercise 
> routines per week, I never feel the
> "funny feeling" in the heart.
> I do EWOT about 1 to 2 times per week.  Usually 10 minutes on the 
> treadmill, then connect the oxygen and do 12 to 20 minutes more.
> A week or two ago, I was driving down the interstate and the "funny 
> feeling" in the heart started bugging me.
> Guess what?   I did some controlled, forced, deep breathing for a few 
> minutes and the problem disappeared.
> It has not happened again since that time.   Maybe I don't have a defective 
> valve at all, only a breathing problem.
> Yes, I think a bit of knowledge about breathing can be very important.  In 
> addition, I feel that practicing some breathing exercises could prevent 
> disease, maybe even cancer.
> If anyone has any ideas on the heart problem, I would be willing to try the 
> suggestions.
> I am now breathing slower and deeper.   With some practice, and training 
> these involuntary muscles, this will become the way the body works, even 
> when sleeping.
> Wayne
> --
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